Do you ever have those days or blocks of time when you're on the threshold of something big... you can see the door you need to open very clearly, but you can't get close enough to get your fingers around the handle? I've been in that place for the past few weeks. Perhaps in explaining this experience here and sharing my thoughts with you, I can make sense of it myself.
Everyone comfy? Here it goes. I initially self-published The Little Butterfly Girl because first, it had been my focus for so many months that I was just happy to see it print and second, I was secretly afraid of the whole query letter, looking for an agent/publisher process. Promotion hasn't been easy by any means, but I've had the most success speaking and doing signings at various disability conferences. Bookstores are a whole other animal to deal with, though. And yet, I was even nominated for the Schneider Family Book award, which honors authors and illustrators that capture the dramatic essence of kids living with disabilities. And in May I was invited to do an interview for Exceptional Parent Magazine.
Still, I feel in my heart that Bridget's story hasn't yet reached its full potential. It has many more places to go. I think the Lord still has more He wants to do with it, truthfully, because I haven't met one reader who's not been inspired or encouraged by Bridget and/or Jeremy in some way. It's quite a blessed and humbling experience to be approached by young girls who say, "I wanna be a butterfly, like Bridget. She's cool!" I wish I could give them each a pair of wings.
Although, I was never completely satisfied with the version that's on the market now... but, being as determined as I am, with the echos of those precious little ones in my head, I've decided to revise the book and tackle my original fear/dream of landing an agent. My query letter is yet to be written because I'm still doing publishing research and I want the manuscript to be as flawless as possible before agents ask to see it. I just wish I could type faster than I do. It's difficult to post regular updates here and make headway on my revisions. Yet, with constant faith and prayer, I'll find a way... Look for story details soon. As always, I appreciate your feedback, encouragement and prayers.
"Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come." - Jeremiah 33:3, NLT
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